Hossam Haick is a Professor in the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and an expert in the field of nanotechnology and non-invasive disease diagnosis. Prof. Haick is the recipient of the prestigious Marie Curie Excellence Award, ERC Award, and the FP-7 Health Award. He is also the recipient of more than 42 international honors and prizes for his achievements, including a Knight of the Order of Academic Palms (conferred by the French Government) and the “List of the World’s Top 35 Young Scientists”, and the Discovery Award of the Bill & Melinda Gates. Prof. Haick is the founder and the leader of a European consortium of eight universities and companies for the development of advanced generation of nanosensors for disease diagnosis. He also serves as an advisory consultant to the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) – the world's authority for chemical information - a senior scientific advisory member of several national and international companies and institutes, and as a scientific evaluator in several international foundations.
Website: http://LNBD.technion.ac.il and www.lcaos.eu